Résumé Action Verbs

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Training and Coaching skills ♦ Technical skills ♦ Communications and Marketing skills ♦ Management and Leadership skills ♦ Organizational skills ♦ Planning, Research, and Idea skills ♦ Data and Financial skills ♦ Helping or Customer Service skills

Résumé Bullet Points

Answered customer phone calls Answered an average of 25 customer calls per day. Answered questions, resolved problems, and recommended additional products or services they might find useful. Answered an average of 25 customer calls per day. Answered questions, resolved problems, and recommended additional products or services they might find useful. Increased customer satisfaction and loyalty, as well as follow-on purchases.
Drove a forklift truck Drove a forklift truck, resupplied 12 work stations with all parts and materials needed to operate an assembly line. Drove a forklift truck, resupplied 12 work stations with all parts and materials needed to operate an assembly line. Maintained an accident-free driving record for more than 3 years, and ensured the assembly line never shut down due to a shortage of parts.
Maintained delivery trucks Performed comprehensive maintenance on 6 delivery trucks that averaged 14 hours of use per day and 30,000 miles per year. Performed comprehensive maintenance on 6 delivery trucks that averaged 14 hours of use per day and 30,000 miles per year. Achieved a 98% availability rate and prevented thousands of dollars of unscheduled repair.
Developed and implemented new employee training program Developed and implemented a training program for over 200 new employees on safety procedures and the correct use of tools and equipment. Developed and implemented a training program for over 200 new employees on safety procedures and the correct use of tools and equipment, resulting in a sharp decrease in lost-time accidents, workers compensation claims, and employee turnover.
Processed invoices Processed over 30 invoices per day quickly and accurately. Processed over 30 invoices per day quickly and accurately, reducing average billing-to-payment cycle from 6 weeks to 3 weeks.

People Skills

  • Collaborated
  • Conferred
  • Consulted
  • Contacted
  • Defined
  • Developed
  • Directed
  • Elicited
  • Enlisted
  • Furnished
  • Interacted
  • Involved
  • Joined
  • Judged
  • Mediated
  • Moderated
  • Negotiated
  • Observed
  • Participated
  • Promoted
  • Recruited
  • Referred
  • Reinforced
  • Resolved
  • Solicited
  • Specified

Training and Coaching Skills

  • Accelerated
  • Adapted
  • Advised
  • Clarified
  • Coached
  • Communicated
  • Conducted
  • Coordinated
  • Critiqued
  • Developed
  • Enabled
  • Encouraged
  • Evaluated
  • Explained
  • Facilitated
  • Focused
  • Guided
  • Individualized
  • Informed
  • Instilled
  • Instructed
  • Motivated
  • Persuaded
  • Simulated
  • Stimulated
  • Taught
  • Tested
  • Trained
  • Transmitted
  • Tutored

Technical Skills

  • Adapted
  • Applied
  • Assembled
  • Built
  • Calculated
  • Computed
  • Conserved
  • Constructed
  • Converted
  • Debugged
  • Designed
  • Developed
  • Engineered
  • Fabricated
  • Fortified
  • Installed
  • Maintained
  • Operated
  • Overhauled
  • Printed
  • Programmed
  • Regulated
  • Remodeled
  • Repaired
  • Replaced
  • Restored
  • Solved
  • Standardized
  • Upgraded
  • Utilized

Communication and Marketing Skills

  • Addressed
  • Advertised
  • Answered
  • Articulated
  • Authored
  • Briefed
  • Clarified
  • Communicated
  • Composed
  • Conveyed
  • Convinced
  • Corresponded
  • Created
  • Debated
  • Discussed
  • Displayed
  • Drafted
  • Designed
  • Edited
  • Explained
  • Expressed
  • Formulated
  • Illustrated
  • Influenced
  • Interpreted
  • Interviewed
  • Lectured
  • Listened
  • Marketed
  • Outlined
  • Persuaded
  • Photographed
  • Presented
  • Persuaded
  • Photographed
  • Presented
  • Proposed
  • Publicized
  • Recommended
  • Reported
  • Responded
  • Spoke
  • Suggested
  • Summarized
  • Translated
  • Wrote

Management and Leadership Skills

  • Accelerated
  • Administered
  • Analyzed
  • Appointed
  • Approved
  • Assigned
  • Authorized
  • Awarded
  • Chaired
  • Consolidated
  • Contracted
  • Controlled
  • Coordinated
  • Decided
  • Delegated
  • Developed
  • Directed
  • Eliminated
  • Enforced
  • Enhanced
  • Established
  • Executed
  • Generated
  • Handled
  • Headed
  • Hired
  • Hosted
  • Improved
  • Incorporated
  • Increased
  • Initiated
  • Inspected
  • Instituted
  • Led
  • Managed
  • Merged
  • Motivated
  • Navigated
  • Organized
  • Originated
  • Overhauled
  • Oversaw
  • Planned
  • Presided
  • Prioritized
  • Produced
  • Recommended
  • Reorganized
  • Replaced
  • Restored
  • Reviewed
  • Scheduled
  • Secured
  • Selected
  • Streamlined
  • Strengthened
  • Supervised
  • Terminated

Organizational Skills

  • Approved
  • Arranged
  • Cataloged
  • Charted
  • Classified
  • Coded
  • Collected
  • Compiled
  • Corrected
  • Corresponded
  • Distributed
  • Executed
  • Filed
  • Generated
  • Incorporated
  • Inspected
  • Logged
  • Maintained
  • Monitored
  • Obtained
  • Operated
  • Ordered
  • Organized
  • Prepared
  • Processed
  • Provided
  • Purchased
  • Recorded
  • Registered
  • Reserved
  • Responded
  • Reviewed
  • Routed
  • Scheduled
  • Screened
  • Submitted
  • Supplied
  • Standardized
  • Systematized
  • Updated
  • Validated
  • Verified

Planning, Research, and Idea Skills

  • Accelerated
  • Adapted
  • Analyzed
  • Anticipated
  • Arranged
  • Began
  • Clarified
  • Collected
  • Combined
  • Compared
  • Composed
  • Conceptualized
  • Concluded
  • Condensed
  • Conducted
  • Critiqued
  • Customized
  • Designed
  • Detected
  • Determined
  • Developed
  • Diagnosed
  • Directed
  • Established
  • Evaluated
  • Examined
  • Experimented
  • Explored
  • Extracted
  • Fashioned
  • Formulated
  • Founded
  • Gathered
  • Incorporated
  • Initiated
  • Inspected
  • Instituted
  • Integrated
  • Interviewed
  • Introduced
  • Invented
  • Investigated
  • Located
  • Measured
  • Modeled
  • Modified
  • Organized
  • Originated
  • Performed
  • Planned
  • Researched
  • Reviewed
  • Revised
  • Revitalized
  • Searched
  • Shaped
  • Solved
  • Summarized
  • Surveyed
  • Synthesized
  • Systematized
  • Tested

Data and Financial Skills

  • Administered
  • Adjusted
  • Allocated
  • Analyzed
  • Appraised
  • Assessed
  • Audited
  • Balanced
  • Budgeted
  • Calculated
  • Computer
  • Conserved
  • Corrected
  • Determined
  • Developed
  • Estimated
  • Forecasted
  • Managed
  • Measured
  • Monitored
  • Netted
  • Planned
  • Prepared
  • Programmed
  • Projected
  • Qualified
  • Reconciled
  • Reduced
  • Researched
  • Retrieved

Helping or Customer Service Skills

  • Accelerated
  • Advocated
  • Aided
  • Answered
  • Assessed
  • Assisted
  • Clarified
  • Coached
  • Collaborated
  • Contributed
  • Cooperated
  • Counseled
  • Demonstrated
  • Diagnosed
  • Educated
  • Encouraged
  • Ensured
  • Expedited
  • Facilitated
  • Familiarized
  • Guided
  • Helped
  • Intervened
  • Prevented
  • Provided
  • Referred
  • Rehabilitated
  • Represented
  • Resolved
  • Supported