March 14, 2025: St. Louis City - SLATE Job Center will be closed from 12PM-2PM on Friday.
March 14, 2025: St. Louis City - SLATE Job Center will be closed from 12PM-2PM on Friday.
Register for FREE employer assistance when recruiting and hiring workers in an agriculture-related field. Foreign labor certification is also provided if you are unable to acquire a U.S. workforce that meets your workforce needs.
A Missouri Certified Work Ready Community means your local county has job candidates in the pipeline with high-demand skills proved by the National Career Readiness Certificate (NCRC). It also indicates that local employers care about hiring the best and brightest your region has to offer.
FREE, no-deductible insurance coverage for hiring at-risk job applicants, including ex-offenders.
Increase the skills and productivity of your workforce. Customize employee recruitment and screening. Get leading edge training, customized for your specific company needs, and delivered by industry experts at no cost for eligible businesses!
Attract quality workers and save on occupational training costs while preparing new hires for your vital jobs.
A layoff alternative for employers facing a reduction in available work, Shared Work Unemployment Compensation may be right for your business.
(Provided by the Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations)
Military men and women possess a wide range of valuable skills for today’s high tech and fast-paced economy. Show Missouri’s military community and your peers that your business values the experience and skills current and former members of our armed Forces can bring to the workplace. Hire a Veteran today!
Receive a Federal tax credit for hiring individuals from certain target groups who face significant barriers to employment.
Everyone needs to start somewhere. Why not make someone’s start a great one by supporting one of Missouri's youth employment programs.