Missouri Workforce System

What is the Public Workforce System?

Authorized by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), the public workforce system, administered through the U.S. Department of Labor's (USDOL) various offices, is a network of federal, state, and local offices. USDOL provides oversight of programs delivered through the One-Stop system, including more than 3,000 One-Stop Centers (also known as American Job Center) nationwide.

WIOA, signed into law on July 22, 2014, is the first legislative reform of the public workforce system in almost 20 years. WIOA supersedes the Workforce Investment Act of 1998 (WIA) and amends the Adult Education and Family Literacy Act, the Wagner-Peyser Act, and the Rehabilitation Act of 1973. WIOA enhances a high quality one-stop center system by continuing to align partnerships in workforce, education, and economic development and reinforces strategies for one-stops to provide job seekers and workers with high-quality career services, education and training, and other services they need to get good jobs and stay employed, and to help businesses find skilled workers and access other services, including education and training for their current workforce.

WIOA authorizes six core programs:

  • WIOA Title I (Adult, Dislocated Worker, and Youth formula programs) administered by US Department of Labor (USDOL);
  • Adult Education and Literacy Act programs administered by the US Department of Education (USDoED);
  • Wagner-Peyser Act employment services administered by USDOL; and
  • Rehabilitation Act Title I programs administered by USDoED.

Funding for workforce programs flows from USDOL to State Workforce Development Boards to Local Workforce Boards that oversee the One-Stop system.

Missouri's Workforce System

In Missouri, the state Workforce Development Board serves as a convener of State, regional, and local workforce system partners to:

  • Enhance the capacity and performance of the workforce development system;
  • Align and improve employment, training, and education programs, and
  • Promote economic growth.

The Missouri Office of Workforce Development (OWD) serves as the state agency that administers the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). As the administering agency, OWD provides:

  • State Workforce Development Board staff support
  • Funding disbursement to local boards
  • WIOA and program policy guidance
  • Local programmatic and financial monitoring
  • Federal performance data collection and reporting
  • Job Center staffing

Local Workforce Development Areas

Missouri has 13 Local Workforce Development Area Regions. The workforce activities in each region are coordinated by a Local Workforce Development Board (WDB). WDBs are business-led, regional organizations whose mission is employment & training needs for businesses and for job seekers. Local WDB members, appointed by Local Elected Officials (LEOs) are key partners within the local workforce system.

Within each of the 13 regions in Missouri, there is at least one (1) full-service One-Stop Job Center as well as other satellite and affiliate locations. Local WDBs are responsible for providing operational oversight for daily activities conducted in the centers.

Governor Parson approves the merger of the Northeast and Northwest Local Workforce Development Areas.

Missouri Job Centers

Through a state network of centers and collaboration with partner organizations, the workforce system offers a robust menu of services to Missouri’s job seekers and businesses. Missouri has 30 full-service centers as well as numerous satellite and affiliate locations statewide. Centers provide experienced staff who work directly with job seekers and businesses to meet work-related needs. Stop by one of our centers to access our products and services, designed to help workers find and keep quality jobs and business hire and retain quality workers.

To learn more about the workforce system, please refer to the Related Resources information at the bottom of this page.