An approved eligible training provider is not guaranteed student referrals or use of WIOA training funds. Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) must also approve eligible training providers based on justification that the training provided is for in-demand industry sectors and occupations within each region. Local WDBs make the final determination within each of the local regions. Providers wishing to explore occupations in-demand in the Missouri Economy may view labor market data found at MERIC.

What is the Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL)?
The Missouri Eligible Training Provider List (ETPL) was established in compliance with the Workforce Investment Act (WIA) of 1998 and amended by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) of 2014 to provide customer-focused employment training resources for adults and dislocated workers.
The Missouri Office of Workforce Development offers MoSCORES, an online search engine list of education and training providers who offer programs that are approved for WIOA or other funding. This list offers many education and training programs. If your organization delivers training or education in high-demand career fields, we want to add you as an Eligible Training Provider (ETP)!
Who is eligible to become an Eligible Training Provider (ETP)?
Post-secondary institutions and organizations may apply to become an ETP:
- Institutions of higher education that provide a program that leads to a recognized postsecondary credential
- United States Department of Labor (DOL) Registered Apprenticeship (RA) Programs, Youth Programs, and pre-apprenticeships
- Other public or private providers that provide training that may include Community Based Organizations (COBs) and Joint Labor‐Management Organizations
- Eligible providers of adult education and literacy activities under WIOA Title II if such activities are provided in combination with individual training services
Why become an eligible training provider (ETP)?
Join the growing list of education and training providers!
- Are listed in the publicly accessible MoSCORES, searchable database
- May receive referrals for potential students from Missouri Job Centers or Local Workforce Development Boards
- May receive funding to train WIOA eligible individuals*
- Become eligible for participants to receive DHEWD's Fast Track Grant (contingent on program eligibility).
How do I get started?
The process is simple and we are available to assist you.
- Training and education providers who want to become an ETP must first create an account and request access to their institution or company's provider user account.
- Approved training providers can log in and complete an online training program application for approval.
Once you are registered as a training provider you can:
- Enter a new program
- Edit or review existing programs
- Submit a Registered Apprenticeship for ETPL inclusion
There are no cost associated with being listed on the ETPL. However, we do adhere to state statute 6 CSR 10-5.010, that may require payment of fees for certification or exemption for proprietary schools and training providers with the DHEWD Office of Postsecondary Policy.
Already an Eligible Training Provider?
Log in to access your Training Provider account.
Out of State Training Providers and Reciprocal Agreements
Find a list of other states Missouri has a reciprocal agreement with. Training providers that are not located in Missouri must have their programs listed on their home state’s ETPL in order for those programs to be considered for inclusion on Missouri’s ETPL.
Who can I contact for assistance with ETPL?
Contact the ETPL Coordinator
* Status as an approved eligible training provider is not a guarantee of student referrals nor use of WIOA training funds. Local Workforce Development Boards must also approve providers on ETPL based on justification that the training provided is for in-demand industry sectors and occupations within each region. Providers wishing to explore occupations in-demand in the Missouri economy may view labor market data found at MERIC.