Beginning in May 2024, Office of Workforce Development new and/or revised Policies (formerly known as Issuances), will be approved by the SWDB. All current Issuances will remain in effect and will be renamed to Policies as they are reviewed and revised.
This policy provides requirements and procedures regarding providing priority of service for veterans and their eligible spouses who are customers of Missouri Job Centers.
The purpose of this policy is to establish data validation procedures and a data integrity policy for the WIOA Title I and III; Jobs for Veteran’s State Grants (JVSG); Apprenticeship; and Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) programs operated by the Office of Workforce Development (OWD). This policy will ensure the accuracy of quarterly and annual performance reports, safeguard data integrity, and promote the timely resolution of data anomalies and inaccuracies. This policy supersedes any previous guidance on this topic.
The purpose of this policy is to establish the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) approach to adopting best practices surrounding the use of electronic signatures to valid and enforceable OWD documents. This document addresses the use of electronic signatures on program applications and Equal Opportunity notices in the case management system.
The purpose of this issuance is to provide guidance for uniform, paperless documentation of electronic records including participant files and other documents associated with Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Titles I and III. Standardized collection of participant information expedites participant eligibility determinations, provides better access to providers, and reduces staff time and costs. Furthermore, this document addresses the timely entry of participant data/documentation into the case management system. This Issuance updates previous guidance on this topic, which it supersedes and rescinds.
This policy is written to transmit the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) guidance on Work Experiences for Adult and Dislocated Worker participants in accordance with the rules and regulations of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA), the WIOA Final Rule, Training and Employment Guidance Letters (TEGLs) published by the Employment and Training Administration of the U.S. Department of Labor (ETA), and policies of the Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDB). This Issuance updates previous guidance on this topic, which it supersedes and rescinds.
This policy is written to transmit the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) requirements on Work Experiences for WIOA Youth participants. This policy updates previous guidance on this topic, which it supersedes and rescinds.
This Policy provides written guidance on the process for approval to use stipends and allowable use of stipends. This Policy also provides guidelines for administering stipend payments based on the requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) and its implementing regulations and applies to all federal grants overseen by the Office of Workforce Development.
This policy is on the agenda of the State Workforce Development Board's Nov. 7, 2024 regular business meeting. This policy establishes an Office of Workforce Development (OWD) sanction process for all subrecipients of federal grant awards and state grants, where applicable, in reference to meeting expenditure, performance, and compliance requirements.
This policy is on the agenda of the State Workforce Development Board's Nov. 7, 2024 regular business meeting. The purpose of this policy is to establish the use and documentation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I funds for supportive services to eligible individuals enrolled in Adult Dislocated Worker (DW), and Youth programs. This policy provides guidance on the allowance, approval, and payment of Supportive Services.
This policy is on the agenda of the State Workforce Development Board's Nov. 7, 2024 regular business meeting. This policy reflects the changes made in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Effectiveness in Serving Employers Performance Indicator. The final rule defined the Effectiveness in Serving Employers primary indicator of performance, as Retention with the Same Employer.
This policy was voted on and approved by the State Workforce Development Board during the Sept. 4, 2024 regular business meeting. Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) and units of government may submit a request for designation as a Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) at any time. This policy transmits the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) policy and procedures that all entities must follow when making new designation requests, in compliance with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Sec. 106 and implementing regulations.
This policy was voted on and approved by the State Workforce Development Board during the Sept. 4, 2024 regular business meeting. This policy provides updated funding information to Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) for completion of Planning Budget Summaries (PBS) for PY 2024 and FY 2025 under WIOA.
This policy was voted on and approved by the State Workforce Development Board during the Sept. 4, 2024 regular business meeting. The purpose of this policy is to establish a local negotiations policy for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I and Wagner Peyser (WP) programs operated by the Office of Workforce Development (OWD). This policy will help ensure a uniform process is followed to establish performance goal related targets for local regions while incorporating the use of a local area statistical model and establishing how the statistical model will be used in assessing local performance at the end of each program year.
This policy was voted on and approved by the State Workforce Development Board during the Sept. 4, 2024 regular business meeting. This policy addresses the use of the annual 70 Percent LLSIL guidelines issued by the U.S. department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA), and the annual Poverty Level Guidelines issued by the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Employees may alternate using these two sets of income guidelines as circumstances require and in conjunction with the criteria in Section 3(36) of WIOA to determine low-income eligibility for WIOA Title I programs. In the past, the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) created a new Issuance twice a year to mark the release of these guidelines by the two federal agencies. Going forward, this policy will serve as guidance for applying income tests, and updated numbers and OWD will electronically post in the Issuances Table on as soon as new guidance is available, without an accompanying Issuance change. Persons subscribing to electronic alerts for new Issuances will continue to receive notices when the OWD receives updated numbers.
The Office of Workforce Development often receives funding assistance from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA) to aide in the recovery from major disasters affecting the workforce system in Missouri in the form of Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants (NDWG). Eligible participants under Disaster Recovery NWDG's include long-term unemployed individuals. Each state creates its own definition for "long-term unemployed." The purpose of this policy is to provide Missouri's long-term unemployed definition and acceptable source documentation to determine eligibility for its NWDGs.
This Issuance provides guidance and establishes the procedures regarding subsequent designation of Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA) under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The Governor must evaluate whether local areas continue to meet WIOA requirements for subsequent designation during each four-year State planning cycle. To facilitate this, Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO) and Local Workforce Development Boards (WDB) must request subsequent designation as an LWDA by December 31, prior to the submission of the 4-year State Plan.
This Issuance updates the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) Sub-State Monitoring Policy for Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA) designated under WIOA. Updates include detailed expectations for Annual Reports and required deadlines.
This Issuance provides the case management, delivery, reporting, and documentation requirements associated with the Wagner-Peyser (WP) program. The goal is to provide guidance necessary to allow staff to understand expectations on service delivery to facilitate a successful outcome for customers enrolled into the Wagner-Peyser program.
The purpose of this policy is to clarify previous guidance on the provisions relating to utilizing Federal funding to provide meals for external customers and employees at planned trainings, meetings, or conferences.
This Issuance conveys operational guidelines for the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) On-The-Job Training (OJT) program. The guidance provided in the attached OJT Practices and Procedures Manual are OWD Policy. This Issuance updates previous guidance on this topic, which it supersedes and rescinds. Updated March 15, 2024.
The Office of Workforce Development (OWD) previously issued guidance on activity codes as well as correlating durations and definitions. This Issuance replaces previous guidance regarding activity codes, durations, and definitions. This revised guidance provides workforce system staff with appropriate participant activity codes, durations, and definitions for use in Missouri Job Center WIOA programs and the statewide electronic case management system.
This Issuance transmits the guidelines for Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) and their partners, as required by the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) to produce a comprehensive four-year plan to develop, align, and integrate service-delivery strategies and to support the State's vision and goals. This issuance communicates WIOA statutory requirements and U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) regulations for Regional and Local Planning activities, as well as the State's interpretations of additional requirements. This Issuance identifies Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDAs) in Missouri that must collaborate to create a Regional Plan. Additionally, this Issuance provides modification and local policy requirements.
OWD Issuance 03-2023: WIOA Youth Program Eligibility and Documentation Technical Assistance Guidance
This Issuance transmits the Technical Assistance eligibility and documentation requirements of the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) for the WIOA Youth Program. It includes source documentation requirements and minor language changes.
This Issuance provides Office of Workforce Development (OWD) guidance to Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) and Workforce Staff to ensure the recipient complies with the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA by collecting and maintaining the required data and records to conduct a statistical or other quantifiable data analyses used to verify the recipient's compliance with section 188 of WIOA, 29 CFR 38, and the Missouri Nondiscrimination Plan.
This Issuance provides Office of Workforce Development (OWD) guidance to Local Workforce Development Boards (Local WDBs) and Workforce Staff regarding service category distinctions, co-enrollment, priority of service, common exit procedures, and quarterly follow-up requirements. The WIOA program enrollments require numerous data elements. Therefore, OWD requires co-enrollments linking WIOA Title I programs with specific non-Title I programs such as WIOA Title III - Wagner-Peyser (WP), Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA), National Dislocated Worker Grants, which are all programs under the United States Department of Labor (DOL) authority.
The purpose of this policy is to establish complaints and reporting procedures regarding criminal fraud, waste, abuse, or other criminal activities related to federal awards for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Adult, Dislocated Worker, Youth, Wagner-Peyser (WP), and any other federally funded programs operated by the Office of Workforce Development (OWD).
This Issuance provides updated funding information to Local Workforce Development Boards (WDBs) for completion of Planning Budget Summaries (PBS) for PY 2023 and FY 2024 funding under WIOA.
The purpose of the Employment Transition Team (ETT) program is to promote economic recovery and vitality by developing an ongoing, comprehensive approach to identifying, planning for, and responding to layoffs; and preventing or minimizing the impact on workers, businesses, and communities. The ETT is flexible and focused on delivering solutions to businesses and workers in transition by planning and responding as quickly as possible to dislocation events. The ETT delivers services that enable affected workers to transition to new employment as quickly as possible.
The purpose of this policy is to transmit the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) guidance to Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDB) regarding WIOA Youth Program expenditures.
The purpose of this policy is to set forth the WIOA's vision of the local Workforce Development Board's (LWDB) involvement in the Youth Program design and implementation.
WIOA requires each Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) to develop a MOU for the delivery of programs and services, and sharing of costs, in the One-Stop Delivery System for its Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA). The Local WDB guides the development of the content of this MOU alongside all the required One-Stop Partners. An integral component within the MOU is a negotiated Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA), or infrastructure cost-sharing agreement for the operation of the One-Stop Centers in the LWDA. Known also as the "local funding mechanism." The IFA details how every required One-Stop Partner contributes to non-personnel operating costs. Every required Partner must help subsidize the infrastructure operating costs in a proportionate manner, with cash, non-cash, or third-party in-kind contribution. This Issuance establishes the guidelines, templates, and timelines.
This Issuance communicates the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) updated Confidentiality and Information Security Plan for the Statewide Electronic Case Management System, including protocols for breaches of data, to all appropriate data users and their supervisors. The attached Plan includes a required user attestation form that all staff must sign prior to becoming statewide electronic case management system authorized users.
This Issuance updates the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) Statewide Case Note Policy, applicable across all workforce programs, for entries in OWD's statewide electronic case-management system. This Issuance standardizes the use of the term "Case Note" for consistency within the State and with usage by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment Training and Administration (DOLETA).
This issuance identifies the criteria established under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) sec. 134 (c)(3)(A) used to determine eligibility for WIOA Adults and Dislocated Workers to receive training services. Training services may be made available to employed and unemployed adults and dislocated workers.
This Issuance transmits the Technical Assistance eligibility and documentation requirements of the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) for the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs. It includes source documentation requirements and minor language changes.
This Issuance communicates Missouri's process and criteria for evaluating and certifying Comprehensive (full service) Missouri Job Centers (CJC) and Affiliate Job Centers (AJC) under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This Issuance supersedes and replaces previous guidance on the subject.
This Issuance provides guidance on certification documentation for incumbent Local WDB members and future appointees to such Local WDBs. It includes the State's statutory required criteria for Chief Elected Officials (CEO) to use when appointing members to the Local WDB. It incorporates the federal regulations regarding Local WDB composition under WIOA. It restates the statutory two-year deadline for Local WDBs to obtain recertification that they are properly constituted as required by WIOA. Local WDBs must document that their membership requirements meet WIOA Section 107 membership criteria to the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) no later than close-of-business April 30,2023 to avoid non-compliance with WIOA.
The purpose of this policy is to establish and clarify the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) guidance on the Missouri Heroes Connect program.
The purpose of this policy is to establish and clarify Office of Workforce Development (OWD) guidance on requested changes to the statewide case-management system. This Issuance establishes acceptable types of change requests and shifts responsibility for data integrity from OWD's Customer Support unit (CSU) to the Local Workforce Development Boards (Local WDBs), their service providers, and all Job Center Staff. OWD understands there will be instances when a change to the statewide case-management system is necessary, therefore, this policy identifies circumstances that warrant a change to an improperly or inaccurately entered electronic record and outlines the process to request and make such a change. The change request process now requires staff to upload a copy of the "summary of information" page associated with submitted change requests to the appropriate record.
The State of Missouri received approval for a waiver of the WIOA Out-of-School (OSY) expenditure requirement for program year 21 (PY 21). Local WDBs have the opportunity to request this waiver to reduce their OSY expenditure requirement from 75% to 50% for the applicable program year. Part of the waiver lifecycle requires states to estimate and regularly assess performance and progress toward achieving state goals.
This issuance provides guidance on the policy, procedure, and data reporting for the WIOA OSY expenditure waiver for PY 21 funds in the local workforce development areas.
This Issuance provides state-imposed guidance and establishes procedures regarding the use of pseudo Social Security Numbers (SSNs) in the statewide case management system (MoJobs). A pseudo SSN is an unauthentic nine-digit number generated when an individual prefers not to provide their real SSN.
This Issuance updates requirements for Office of Workforce Development (OWD) staff, staff of one-stop centers, Local Workforce Development Boards (WDB), and sub-recipients concerning coordination of Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act Title I (WIOA) with alternate sources of training funds
This issuance establishes the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) data collection requirement to capture the cost per participant for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I core program participants who receive training from an Eligible Training Provider (ETP). This policy requires the cost per participant to be captured for each ETP’s program funded through WIOA by requiring the use of the advanced fund tracking data collection methods available through Missouri’s statewide electronic case-management system (MoJobs). The module was developed to help states track program spending and assist with planning future program expenditures. The module allows users to create, manage, update, and track funds by establishing funds for specific time periods and allows for easy tracking when modifications are done to funding levels.
This Issuance provides guidance and procedures regarding nondiscrimination and equal opportunity procedures required under Section 188 of WIOA and 29 CFR 38. The Missouri Nondiscrimination Plan provides guidance and procedures for WIOA recipients to adhere to regarding all programs, services, and activities that receive WIOA Title I funds. This policy applies to all WIOA recipients.
This Issuance provides the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) monitoring and resolution procedures that comply with the requirements of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)
This Issuance is written to communicate the Missouri Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) standards for corrective and remedial actions to be applied when violations of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, Section 188 of WIOA or 29 CFR Part 38, and the Missouri Nondiscrimination Plan are found. These standards apply to any entity to which financial assistance under WIOA Title I is extended, either directly through the OWD or through another WIOA recipient.
The purpose of this issuance is to implement the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of the Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA), which are contained in section 188 of WIOA (29 U.S.C. 3248). Section 118 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or political affiliation or belief, or, for beneficiaries, applicants, and participants only, on the basis of citizenship status or participation in a WIOA Title I - financially assisted program or activity.
This issuance will provide clarification on the application of the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA and provides uniform procedures for implementing them.
The purpose of this issuance is to implement the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), which are contained in section 188 of WIOA (29 U.S.C. 3248). Section 118 prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or political affiliation or belief, or, for beneficiaries, applicants, and participants only, on the basis of citizenship status or participation in a WIOA Title I - financially assisted program or activity.
This issuance will provide clarification on the application of the nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions of WIOA and provides uniform procedures for implementing them.
The purpose of this issuance is to ensure WIOA recipients communicate effectively with individuals with limited English proficiency (LEP) by providing meaningful access to aids, benefits, services, or training under a WIOA Title I - financially assisted program or activity.
This issuance establishes the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) policy and procedures for documenting and recording "Measurable Skill Gains," which is one of the six core measures tracked by the state and reported to the federal government to determine performance outcomes. This Issuance supersedes and rescinds previous guidance on this subject under prior law.
The purpose of this policy is to establish and clarify the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) statewide guidelines for Individual Employment Plans (EP). By creating consistent guidelines, staff are able to provide streamlined services to program participants.
This Issuance defines the “soft training” caps for Missouri Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) participants and provides guidance to allow TAA staff to determine “reasonable” training and training related costs.
Providers of training services under Title I of Workforce Innovation Opportunity Act (WIOA) must meet the eligibility requirements of the law,1 be approved by the State according to the criteria as described in the State Plan, and be approved by Local Workforce Development Boards (WDB) to provide services in Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA). Local WDBs, therefore, must develop a written, standing policy for selecting and approving eligible training providers (ETP)2. This policy must include required performance levels, procedures for Pell Grant reimbursement to WIOA for tuition,3 and specific terms and expectations of the ETPS.
The purpose of this policy is to establish requirements for training development/preparation and to implement procedures for Local Workforce Development Boards (WDB) to request training approval from the Office of Workforce Development (OWD).
This Issuance transmits the Office of Workforce Development’s (OWD) guidance on the use and administration of ACT WorkKeys Curriculum and the WorkKeys assessments to Missouri Job Center customers.
This Issuance transmits State policy to align with official guidance1 released by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) regarding the procurement of service providers, including One-Stop Operators (OSO) and Youth service providers. A Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) may directly designate some providers. It must competitively select others, including the OSO and Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Youth service providers. A single entity may serve the LWDB in more than one service provider role.
This Issuance transmits the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) guidance to Local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) regarding WIOA Youth Incentives in order to conform to federal laws and regulations.
This Issuance transmits the Office of Workforce Development’s (OWD) guidance to local Workforce Development Boards (LWDBs) regarding the parameters of WIOA Youth program design that includes required Objective Assessments, Individual Service Strategies, case management, and follow-up services.
To provide policy regarding the proper disposition or destruction of records.
This Issuance updates procedures for Local Workforce Development Board (WDB) transfers of formula allocations between the WIOA1 Title I Adult program and Dislocated Worker program. All transfer requests, of any amount, must be submitted for State approval through the Division of Workforce Development (DWD) electronic Financial Reporting System (FRS). Additionally, the State reinstates the requirement that a Local Plan Modification must be submitted for any such transfer exceeding twenty percent (20%) of the original annual allocation or re-allotted formula allocation. Previous guidance2 on these transfer amount procedures and related Plan Modification requirements is herein rescinded.
This Issuance provides guidance on using Supplemental Wage Information (SWI) to meet the performance accountability requirements in Section 1161 of WIOA2 and WIOA implementing regulations3 for Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) performance reporting. It expands the previous Issuance to include guidance on SWI procedures for reporting on the WIOA Title I Youth program. It also updates information about acceptable and available sources of information. This Issuance supersedes and rescinds previous guidance from the Division of Workforce Development (DWD) on the use of supplemental data for performance reporting.
This issuance provides guidance for managing records of customers participating in the Missouri address confidentiality program, also known as “Safe at Home.”
This Issuance updates the Division of Workforce Development (DWD) policy on Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, and Accommodation. This revision conforms to policy updates1, 2 issued by the Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED) since DWD issued the previous guidance.3 That Issuance is superseded and rescinded by this guidance.
This Issuance clarifies the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)1 Credential Attainment performance measure by defining what constitutes a “recognized postsecondary credential.” It supersedes and rescinds previous Division of Workforce Development (DWD) guidance2 on credentials, certificates, and diplomas.
This Issuance updates and clarifies Division of Workforce Development (DWD) policy for its employees — and for its contracted sub-recipients — on the handling of media inquiries, the delivery of public information (including the use of social media), and the handling of federal, State, and local government requests for information. It supersedes and rescinds prior guidance1 on these topics.
This Issuance describes allowable funding expenditures for work-based training of existing workers and prohibits duplication of training funds. It rescinds, updates, and supersedes previous guidance on this topic.1 This Issuance also specifies the formal Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Agreement that is required between a Local Workforce Development Board (Local WDB) and an employer. [This Issuance rescinds DWD Issuance 25-2015 dated 06/15/16.]
This Issuance updates, supersedes and rescinds previous guidance1 identifying who must receive notification of the right to pursue complaints or grievances related to Equal Opportunity (EO) issues or programmatic delivery of programs and services. This Issuance identifies those persons from whom workforce staff must obtain and retain a signed acknowledgment of notification of those rights. It also incorporates changes in federal and State laws, regulations, and policies that have become effective since the previous guidance. At a future date, the final, adopted version of Missouri’s Nondiscrimination Plan 2 (formerly known as the Methods of Administration) will incorporate the guidance in this Issuance.
This Issuance establishes minimum standards of the Division of Workforce Development (DWD) to ensure that programs and services delivered through Missouri One-Stop Job Centers and Affiliate Job Centers are physically and programmatically accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities. Toward that end, this policy specifically addresses the provision of Assistive Technologies. It leaves the logistical disposition of those resources to the discretion of the Local Workforce Development Board (Local WDB). The responsibility for monitoring local adherence to these standards shall be the responsibility of the Local WDB's Local Equal Opportunity (EO) Officer.1
This Issuance conveys current Division of Workforce Development (DWD) policy restricting use of workforce program participant data. This policy applies to Workforce Development Boards (Local WDB), State and local educational institutions, and agency partners in the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).1 It also applies to all sub-recipients or vendors of these entities.
Change 1 for this Issuance addresses a technical correction due to revised federal guidance. An initial assessment of skill levels and supportive services needs does trigger inclusion as a participant. The references and Tables 1 and 2 in Attachment 2 are revised accordingly. This Issuance provides guidance for workforce system staff to distinguish a “reportable individual” from a “participant” when calculating performance outcome measures, in line with the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)1 and its implementing regulations.
This Issuance summarizes the federal and State laws, regulations, and contractual obligations governing transparency and integrity in decisions made, and actions taken, by Chief Elected Officials (CEO) and Local Workforce Development Boards (WDB) for their Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA). It expands and updates previous guidance in this area and supersedes and rescinds that Issuance. This Issuance identifies existing federal and State ethics requirements but creates no new policies. [This Issuance rescinds and supersedes DWD Issuance 15-2011, “Transparency and Integrity in Local Workforce Investment Board Decisions,” dated May 30, 2012.]
This Issuance provides guidance to Local Workforce Development Areas regarding the assessments used for basic skills testing in Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I financially assisted programs.
This Issuance is to impart to the Missouri Workforce Development System the Final Rule for implementing Section 188 of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).1 This Rule is codified as Part 38 of Title 29 of the Code of Federal Regulations and enforced by the Civil Rights Center (CRC) of the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL). A copy of the rule, as published in the Federal Register on December 2, 2016, is included as Attachment 1 to this Issuance.