About jobs.mo.gov
Jobs.mo.gov is the website for information and online services provided by the Office of Workforce Development (OWD). OWD and workforce system partners provide no cost workforce development and employment services for businesses and job seekers.

Missouri Workforce System
The public workforce system is a network of federal, state, and local agencies that function to support economic expansion and develop the talent of our nation’s workforce. Learn about the Missouri workforce system, workforce boards and partner agencies working together to match employers with skilled workers and preparing workers for quality jobs.

Missouri Workforce Development Board
The governing Missouri Workforce Development Board represents a wide variety of individuals, businesses, and organizations throughout the State.

Sector Strategies
The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act has catalyzed innovation as states and regions move to implement changes in their workforce development systems. Missouri is expanding the scope of this transformation, combining sector strategies and customer centered design principles in an effort to change what services are delivered and how Job Centers deliver them.

Equal Opportunity Information
Equal Opportunity is the law. Know your rights as customers of the workforce system.

Missouri Labor Market
The Missouri Economic Research and Information Center (MERIC) offers value-added research with a customer focus. MERIC staff provide critical information, innovative analyses and assistance to policymakers and the public, including studies of the state’s targeted industries and economic development initiatives.

Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act
Learn more about the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act.