If an employer plans to reduce its force or close a worksite, it must provide notice under the federal Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN Act), 29 U.S.C §2101 et seq.  The WARN Act provides protection to workers, their families, and communities by requiring employers to provide a 60-calendar day notice in advance of covered plant closings and mass layoffs. Employers are encouraged to give workers notice even when WARN does not require it and to work with state and local agencies to help workers access helpful transition services. 

The Missouri Office of Workforce Development (OWD) maintains annual reports of WARN notices received from businesses throughout the state. These WARN reports include summaries from the affected employers, that include the number of affected workers, location, and dates of their layoffs or plant closures.

In general, OWD prefers the employer provide WARN notices to the State WARN Coordinator and the Chief Local Elected Official (CLEO) of the local government where the layoff will occur 60 days before the first layoff date. A WARN notice must include, but is not limited to:

  • The name and address where the mass layoff or plant closing is to occur, along with the name and telephone number of a company contact person who can provide additional information;
  • An explanation of whether the employment loss will be temporary or permanent, and whether the entire plant is being closed;
  • The expected date of the first job losses, along with a schedule of any further employment reductions;
  • The job titles of positions that will be affected and the number of affected employees in each job category;
  • A statement of bumping rights, if any exist; and
  • The name of each union/employee representative and the name and address of the chief elected officer of each union.
  • Additional guidance for employers is available in the Employer WARN Guide(link is external).
  • Additional guidance for workers is available in the Worker WARN Guide(link is external).

Please Note:  Information is subject to change at any time as layoffs/closures may have several phases to them.   

WARN Notices may be submitted by:

  1. Completing the online form (recommended), or
  2. Emailing required information to ETT.DWD@dhewd.mo.gov(link sends email), or
  3. Mailing to: 
    • WARN Coordinator
      Missouri Department of Higher Education & Workforce Development
      Office of Workforce Development
      PO Box 1087
      Jefferson City, MO 65102

View WARN Notices by Calendar Year

2025 |20242023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019