OWD Financial

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Local WDB Financial Managers Quarterly Call July 25, 2024

Sets out policies and procedures necessary to control and account for Federal funds, assets, liabilities, revenues, and expenditures.

Listing of Job Numbers, Org Codes, and Object Codes

Project and Task Codes for ETA Timekeeping system

TMS Task Codes for WIOA Statewide Activities

OMB regulations in the Code of Federal Regulations; Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2 CFR 200, 1CFR 2900, and 2 CFR 2998).

OWD Administration

Title Description Form number Date posted Sort ascending

This guide provides technical assistance and orientation material for elected officials and Workforce Development Board members. The guidance includes a general overview of federal requirements regarding the duties of the Chief Elected Officials as stipulated in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act of 2014 (WIOA)


Template on the proper format for an Issue Brief.

Instructions on how and when to use a purchase request, issue brief pr decision request.

Template on the proper format for a Decision Brief.

Fillable Incident Report



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Individuals who took the provider training and have updated privileges to create or change provider records.

A step by step guide to entering providers and making ties to services – this resource will be used mainly by provider liaisons or those who will eventually become a provider liaison.

Lists required and optional fields that must be known to create a training program in MoJobs.

Information on why staff would need to contact a liaison and what liaisons are responsible for.