OWD Issuance 11-2022: Memorandum of Understanding and IFA

WIOA requires each Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) to develop a MOU for the delivery of programs and services, and sharing of costs, in the One-Stop Delivery System for its Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA). The Local WDB guides the development of the content of this MOU alongside all the required One-Stop Partners. An integral component within the MOU is a negotiated Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA), or infrastructure cost-sharing agreement for the operation of the One-Stop Centers in the LWDA. Known also as the "local funding mechanism." The IFA details how every required One-Stop Partner contributes to non-personnel operating costs. Every required Partner must help subsidize the infrastructure operating costs in a proportionate manner, with cash, non-cash, or third-party in-kind contribution. This Issuance establishes the guidelines, templates, and timelines.

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