OWD Issuances

DWD Issuance 09-2017: Prohibitions on Data Transfer Policy

This Issuance conveys current Division of Workforce Development (DWD) policy restricting use of workforce program participant data. This policy applies to Workforce Development Boards (Local WDB), State and local educational institutions, and agency partners in the implementation of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).1 It also applies to all sub-recipients or vendors of these entities. 

DWD Issuance 12-2017: Minimum Standards for Assistive Technologies in Missouri Job Centers

This Issuance establishes minimum standards of the Division of Workforce Development (DWD) to ensure that programs and services delivered through Missouri One-Stop Job Centers and Affiliate Job Centers are physically and programmatically accessible to all, including individuals with disabilities. Toward that end, this policy specifically addresses the provision of Assistive Technologies. It leaves the logistical disposition of those resources to the discretion of the Local Workforce Development Board (Local WDB).

DWD Issuance 16-2017: Disseminating Notices for Equal Opportunity Complaints and WIOA complaints and grievances

This Issuance updates, supersedes and rescinds previous guidance1 identifying who must receive notification of the right to pursue complaints or grievances related to Equal Opportunity (EO) issues or programmatic delivery of programs and services. This Issuance identifies those persons from whom workforce staff must obtain and retain a signed acknowledgment of notification of those rights. It also incorporates changes in federal and State laws, regulations, and policies that have become effective since the previous guidance.

DWD Issuance 22-2017: Effectiveness in Serving Employers Performance Measure

The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA)1 requires recordkeeping for six primary performance indicators. These indicators provide the accountability2 required by WIOA and are obtained as specified by WIOA’s implementing regulations.3 This Issuance explains to workforce system staff how to properly identify and record in the statewide electronic case management system those employer services they deliver which count toward the sixth of these measures—Effectiveness in Serving Employers. 

DWD Issuance 23-2017: Incumbent Worker Training Policy

This Issuance describes allowable funding expenditures for work-based training of existing workers and prohibits duplication of training funds. It rescinds, updates, and supersedes previous guidance on this topic.1 This Issuance also specifies the formal Incumbent Worker Training (IWT) Agreement that is required between a Local Workforce Development Board (Local WDB) and an employer. [This Issuance rescinds DWD Issuance 25-2015 dated 06/15/16.]

DWD Issuance 27-2017: Public Communications and Official Requests for Information

This Issuance updates and clarifies Division of Workforce Development (DWD) policy for its employees — and for its contracted sub-recipients — on the handling of media inquiries, the delivery of public information (including the use of social media), and the handling of federal, State, and local government requests for information. It supersedes and rescinds prior guidance1 on these topics.

DWD Issuance 33-2017: Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Policy: Accommodation policy

This Issuance updates the Division of Workforce Development (DWD) policy on Harassment, Discrimination, Retaliation, and Accommodation. This revision conforms to policy updates1, 2 issued by the Missouri Department of Economic Development (DED) since DWD issued the previous guidance.3 That Issuance is superseded and rescinded by this guidance.