OWD Issuances

OWD Issuance 11-2022: Memorandum of Understanding and IFA

WIOA requires each Local Workforce Development Board (LWDB) to develop a MOU for the delivery of programs and services, and sharing of costs, in the One-Stop Delivery System for its Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA). The Local WDB guides the development of the content of this MOU alongside all the required One-Stop Partners. An integral component within the MOU is a negotiated Infrastructure Funding Agreement (IFA), or infrastructure cost-sharing agreement for the operation of the One-Stop Centers in the LWDA.

OWD Issuance 09-2022: Case Note Policy

This Issuance updates the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) Statewide Case Note Policy, applicable across all workforce programs, for entries in OWD's statewide electronic case-management system. This Issuance standardizes the use of the term "Case Note" for consistency within the State and with usage by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Employment Training and Administration (DOLETA).

OWD Issuance 10-2022: Statewide Confidentiality and Information Security Plan Policy

This Issuance communicates the Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) updated Confidentiality and Information Security Plan for the Statewide Electronic Case Management System, including protocols for breaches of data, to all appropriate data users and their supervisors. The attached Plan includes a required user attestation form that all staff must sign prior to becoming  statewide electronic case management system authorized users. 

OWD Issuance 07-2022: WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker Programs Eligibility and Documentation Technical Assistance Guidance

This Issuance transmits the Technical Assistance eligibility and documentation requirements of the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) for the WIOA Adult and Dislocated Worker programs. It includes source documentation requirements  and minor language changes.

OWD Issuance 07-2021: Nondiscrimination and EO Corrective Actions - Sanction Policy

This Issuance is written to communicate the Missouri Office of Workforce Development's (OWD) standards for corrective and remedial actions to be applied when violations of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) nondiscrimination and equal opportunity provisions, Section 188 of WIOA or 29 CFR Part 38, and the Missouri Nondiscrimination Plan are found. These standards apply to any entity to which financial assistance under WIOA Title I is extended, either directly through the OWD or through another WIOA recipient.

OWD Issuance 06-2022: Missouri Comprehensive Job Center and Affiliate Job Center Certification Evaluation and Criteria

This Issuance communicates Missouri's process and criteria for evaluating and certifying Comprehensive (full service) Missouri Job Centers (CJC) and Affiliate Job Centers (AJC) under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). This Issuance supersedes and replaces previous guidance on the subject.

OWD Issuance 05-2022: Local Workforce Development Board Membership and Orientation Requirements, and Recertification Procedures

This Issuance provides guidance on certification documentation for incumbent Local WDB members and future appointees to such Local WDBs. It includes the State's statutory required criteria for Chief Elected Officials (CEO) to use when appointing members to the Local WDB. It incorporates the federal regulations regarding Local WDB composition under WIOA. It restates the statutory two-year deadline for Local WDBs to obtain recertification that they are properly constituted as required by WIOA.