OWD Issuances

OWD Issuance 17-2023: Statewide Local Area Negotiation Policy

The purpose of this policy is to establish a local negotiations policy for the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I and Wagner Peyser (WP) programs operated by the Office of Workforce Development (OWD). This policy will help ensure a uniform process is followed to establish performance goal related targets for local regions while incorporating the use of a local area statistical model and establishing how the statistical model will be used in assessing local performance at the end of each program year. 

Issuance 16-2023 Federal Income Level Guidelines for Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Title I Eligibility Determinations

This Issuance addresses the use of the annual 70 Percent LLSIL guidelines issued by the U.S. department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA), and the annual Poverty Level Guidelines issued by the Office of the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). Employees may alternate using these two sets of income guidelines as circumstances require and in conjunction with the criteria in Section 3(36) of WIOA to determine low-income eligibility for WIOA Title I programs.

Issuance 15-2023: Statewide Long-Term Unemployed Policy

The Office of Workforce Development often receives funding assistance from the U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration (DOLETA) to aide in the recovery from major disasters affecting the workforce system in Missouri in the form of Disaster Recovery National Dislocated Worker Grants (NDWG). Eligible participants under Disaster Recovery NWDG's include long-term unemployed individuals.

Issuance 13-2023: Designation of a Local Fiscal Agent

This Issuance describes the circumstances and process whereby a Chief Local Elected Official (CLEO) may delegate the management of Local Workforce Development Area (LWDA) grant funds to a Local Fiscal Agent (LFA). Designation of a fiscal agent does not relieve the CLEO of liability for the misuse of grant funds. If the CLEO designates a fiscal agent, the CLEO must ensure this agent has clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

Issuance 12-2023: Missouri Job Center Referral Policy

This Issuance establishes policy on participant access to WIOA services and discusses required procedures for referral to WIOA One-Stop Partners for additional services. These procedures can include utilizing the https://www.211.org/ website to assist staff with making appropriate referrals. This Issuance emphasizes such referrals must avoid discriminatory practices as instructed by WIOA Section 188 nondiscrimination obligations of the Office of Workforce Development (OWD) and its subrecipients, including local program operators.

Issuance 11-2023: Subsequent Designation of Local Workforce Development Areas

This Issuance provides guidance and establishes the procedures regarding subsequent designation of Local Workforce Development Areas (LWDA) under the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA). The Governor must evaluate whether local areas continue to meet WIOA requirements for subsequent designation during each four-year State planning cycle. To facilitate this, Chief Local Elected Officials (CLEO) and Local Workforce Development Boards (WDB) must request subsequent designation as an LWDA by December 31, prior to the submission of the 4-year State Plan.