Human Resources and Policy Questions

Human Resources and Policy Questions

Question or idea Date submitted Status/information Date updated

I have recently been informed that if someone leaves employment with the State/DHEWD that there is now a policy that states that that person can not be reemployed, even in a temp position, until after 90 days have passed. Could you possibly provide the policy number and how to access that particular policy? It would be greatly appreciated.

There is no State/DHEWD policy that states those that leave employment cannot return within a certain timeframe. However, effective December 21, 2020, MOSERS will require a 30-day break in service before a retiree may return to state employment on an hourly basis. A retiree may at any time suspend their retirement and return to full-time state employment.

Questions About the Day to Day Work

Question or idea Date submitted Status/information Date updated

Since the transition began I am seeing Office of Workforce Development, Division of Workforce Development, and Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development. Can you please clarify? I thought we were the latter, a new combined department.

We are all officially the Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development. Within the new department are Offices (rather than Divisions) – The Office of Operations, The Office of Communications and Outreach, The Office of General Counsel; The Office of Performance and Strategy; the Office of Postsecondary Policy and The Office of Workforce Development.

Organizational Questions