Publications Request

Complete the following information to request publications for your Missouri Job Center. All orders are processed weekly. Please submit orders prior to 11:30 am on Tuesday. Your order will be mailed to the Center address on file once the order has been processed. For questions about your order, contact Katie Shofler at (573) 751-4057.

Many items are "bundled."  When ordering, please consider "bundle" size and any maximum order limits listed. Orders can be placed as often as necessary. 

Preview OWD Publications below before you order

DWD-18 Federal 6-in-1 Compliance Poster (Blue)
DWD-19 State 5-in-1 Compliance Poster (Orange)
DWD-AES-1 Agricultural Employment Services Poster for Employers
DWD-AES-2 Agricultural Employment Services Job Seeker Rack Card - English 
DWD-AES-2-S Agricultural Employment Services Job Seeker Rack Card - Spanish  
DWD-AES-3 Agricultural Employment Services Employer Rack Card - English Only
DWD-AES-4 Agricultural Employment Services Job Seeker for UMOS - English 
DWD-AES-4-S Agricultural Employment Services Job Seekers for UMOS - Spanish
DWD-Centers-2 Job Seeker Menu of Services Rack Card 
DWD-ETT-10 ETT Informational Card Bi-fold 
DWD-EMP-17 Employer Menu of Services Rack Card
DWD-PO-76 Job Center Appointment Pad (No longer being produced)
DWD-PO-3848 Pocket Resume
DWD-TRADE-01 Missouri Trade Adjustment Assistance JOB SEEKER Booklet 
DWD-TRADE-02 Missouri Trade Adjustment Assistance EMPLOYER Booklet
DWD-TRADE-03 Apprenticeship Through Trade Adjustment Assistance Flier
DWD-TRADE-04 Trade Adjustment Assistance Flier
DWD-VETS-01 Employment Services for Veterans Brochure
DWD-VETS-14 Priority of Service for Veterans Bi-fold
DWD-WOTC-14 WOTC Employer Rack Card (Front) (Back)
DWD-WOTC-5014 WOTC Booklet "A Business Guide to Work Opportunity Tax Credit
Job Center Survey Postcard
Job Center Survey Business Card
OWD-OTJ-21 OJT and Apprenticeship Flyer (formerly OWD-102)

United States Department of Labor Publications (Other Publications)

USDOL-ETT FINRA Job Dislocation: Making Smart Financial Choices after a Job Loss (English) - Unavailable since 10/2020 (Spanish)
USDOL-ETT Protecting Retirement and Health Benefits After Job Loss - Rack Card
USDOL-ETT Retirement and Health Care Coverage Questions and Answers for Dislocated Workers - Red Booklet

Short-term Credentials Flyers (Other Publications)

Administrative Assistant
Automotive Technician
Commercial Driver's License
Dental Assistant
Emergency Medical Technician
Heating/Air Conditioning/Ventilation/Cooling/Refrigeration (HAVCR) Technician
Medical Assistant
Medical Billing and Coding
Certified Nurse Assistant
Certified Pharmacy Technician

MoHope Project Materials

MoHope Project Poster
MoHope "Save a Life" Card (Front) (Back)
MoHope Project Resource Card
MoHope Project Field Report Card
MoSCORES Flyer (Front & Back)

Preview OWD Forms below before you order

DWD-PO-280 MSFW-AES Registration Form Pad (English) (Spanish)
DWD-PO-604A SkillUP Job Search Contract (print as needed from DWDPrograms)
DWD-PO-604B SkillUP Job Search Log (self print, no longer printed)
DWD-PO-608 SkillUP Employment or Training Information (FS-5) (self print, no longer printed)
DWD-PO-609 SkillUP Job Center WIOA Services (self print, no longer printed)

DOLIR Publications

If you are seeking a DOLIR publication that is no longer printed, please go to their website to self-print.

Requestor Information
DOLIR Publications
OWD Publications
Other Publications