Files & Documents

Title Description Form number Date posted Sort ascending

This fillable Job Application Form can be used by Job Center staff if the employer does not their own job application form.


This is the updated information for the 2022 Minimum Wage

This flier compares the differences between Registered Apprenticeships and On The Job Training (OJT) and how either program can benefit employers.


This fillable Job Order Short Form should be used by Job Center staff to assist employers with job orders.


Poster combines five required postings for workplace, including Missouri Department of Labor and Industrial Relations notices LS-52, MCHR-7, MCHR-9, MODES-B-2, and WC-106. Updated to include current information about Missouri Minimum Wage. 
(NOTE: This PDF file should be reproduced at full size (18" x 24") before posting. Printing and posting a smaller, unreadable version in the workplace may be determined to be a lack of compliance.  A full-size version can be printed on a small office printer by selecting one of the "tiling" functions under "page scaling.") Last update 03/2021.


Poster combines six required Federal postings for the workplace. This document will not print correctly on an office printer. Transfer to a thumb drive (USB key) and take to an office supply that provides printing services, or to a commercial printer.  
(NOTE:  This PDF file should be reproduced at full size (24" x24") before posting. Printing and posting a smaller, unreadable version in the workplace may be determined to be a lack of compliance. A full-size version can be printed on a small office printer by selecting one of the "tiling" functions under "page scaling.")  Last update 01/2020.


Outreach Materials

Title Description Form number Date posted Sort ascending

Print this Employer Flyer for an 8.5x11 handout. (Pre-printed Employer Services handout is available to order through a DHEWD Office of Communications Project Request)


This mini menu of services can be printed and shared with employers.  Imagery is varied by industry.