Missouri Workforce Development Board Minutes and Agendas Archive

NOTE: This page is moving to DHEWD

What is the Missouri Workforce Development Board?

Missouri's Workforce Development Board represents a wide variety of individuals, businesses, and organizations throughout the State. The Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) is designed to help job seekers and workers access employment, education, training and support services needed to succeed in the labor market, and match employers with the skilled workers needed to compete in the global economy.   


The Board serves as a convener of State, regional, and local workforce system partners to enhance the capacity and performance of the workforce development system; align and improve employment, training and education programs, and through these efforts promote economic growth. The Board actively participates and collaborates closely with the required partners of the workforce development system, including public and private organizations. This engagement is crucial in the Board’s role to help integrate and align a more effective job-driven workforce system that invests in the connection between education and career preparation. The Board advises Missouri’s workforce partners in the setting and implementation of workforce policy for the State’s local workforce regions/areas.


The vision of the Missouri Workforce Development Board is to prepare Missourians to enter the workforce with marketable skills and to provide businesses with recruitment assistance to find workers with the skills they need. 


The mission of the Missouri Workforce Development Board is to engage employers, education providers, economic development, and other stakeholders to help the workforce development system achieve the purpose of WIOA and the State’s strategic and operational vision and goals outlined in the State Plan.


Leonard P. Toenjes
Leonard P. Toenjes
Mardy Leathers
Mardy Leathers
Executive Director

Board Meetings

The Board meets quarterly and engages the Directors and Commissioners of state agencies to meet the objective of strengthening Missouri’s workforce system. Meeting minutes are posted in the Related Resources section of this page. The board was previously organized as Missouri Workforce Investment Board (MoWIB) from 2008–2014 and as the Missouri Training and Employment Council (MTEC) from 1999–2007. Subcommittee meetings and agenda items will be announced during regular board meetings.


Staff Contact Information

Mailing address

Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development
Missouri Workforce Development Board
PO Box 1087
Jefferson City, MO 65102
United States